State Dance and Song Company "Lietuva"  
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About us
Short history

"The Company performance has been as if the most fantastic gust, from time to time interrupted by the change of robes, what reminded of a magic show. One is captivated by the sight and it seems that you are dancing together; with the artists "... ("La Liberte de I'Est", France, 1986)

Such was the estimation of the performance of the professional State Dance and Song Company "Lietuva".

Since September of 1991 with the restoration of Independence in the Baltics the world became open to Lithuania. Familiarization with our country has become easy even for those countries which prior to this transformation knew very little of Lithuania and its culture.

Today Lithuania is at the European Union. Excellent opportunities occur for the nations to come closer, to present their national heritage, customs, folk-songs, dances, and the peculiar music to have reached us from the ancient times.

Lithuanians have got old traditions that do not allow people to forget their customs. Folk-dances and songs of different genres and periods come to live on the stage. Programs of Company "Lietuva" include folk-dances, songs and performance of original as well as stylized folklore music. Furthermore, its repertoire apart from scenic folklore contains also authentic folklore.

The average age of company artists is 30, they are impetuous and creative, perform a lot of concerts and are awaited everywhere.


In the year 2005 the Company is celebrating its 65-th anniversary. During those years near 40 original programs were prepared. In the course of these decades the Company or its groups organized more than 8300 concerts not only in the native land, but in 35 foreign countries as well where they were met with warm applause and accompanied with ovation.

Concerts held in - Japan, France, USA, Sweden, Germany, Italy, Greece, Ireland, Poland, Holland, Finland, Canada, Belgium, Russia, etc.


The Company is able to give a two-piece concert program that includes folk and humoristic dances, wedding and work songs, archaic songs sutartines supported by the authentic folklore customs. You will see dances in wooden sabots, men dancing on stilts, shepherds tricks as well as the firework of straw hats. You will visit the country wedding party and holiday Jonines. And all this is accompanied with folklore instruments of orchestra melodies masterly played by musicians with more than 25 authentic instruments. The viewers will be pleasantly delighted with national costume where artists underlined the lyricism and beauty of colours of Lithuanian land.

The superbly composed dances, vocal and instrumental music in miraculously wonderful costumes, with magic and suggestion will introduce you the country from the Baltic amber coasts.




Please look few short films about our dancers.

Movie nr.1 (10,9 MB)
Movie nr.2 (14,8 MB)
Movie nr.3 (10,5 MB)

To see them is required QuickTime program.

   © 2003, State Dance and Song Company "Lietuva" Introduction · Lietuviškai Design: Prantel